So my blood test came out real good!!! Both cancer markers have gone down, significantly. But, in the back of my mind, I question is this test result an outlier? Was it done properly? What will my doctor think when he sees it? I think I may still be going to Miami to see my doctor so that this question and many others can be answered. I think the only way to be sure is to get a Pet Scan and such a test has to be done with a similarly calibrated machine. Now the question is, will my insurance cover the cost of the test. As I said before, American insurance companies are for profit and a Pet Scan is expensive. So a fight will ensue. Now let’s chant the Insurance companies motto; “Deny, deny, deny until you die”.

Anyway, I am still thrilled that my numbers have gone down. I am feeling good and my numbers seem to prove why.

Tomorrow I am going to Lake Atitlan two and a half hours from Antigua. There are a bunch of small towns that surround the lake, each with a different feel to them. One is a UNESCO site, one is a hippy town and one is supposed to be full of culture. I think at this moment a little bit of hippy action would not be too bad. I am ready to see new places and to experience new things, so off I go.

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