I am now in Vis for four days. Vis is a small island off the coast of Split Croatia in the Adriatic Sea. It is absolutely beautiful and it feels like a step into the past. It is an island that was not open to foreigners or the general public, because it was used by Yugoslavia as a naval base. In 1991 Croatia become an independent country and the island was opened. Because of this you feel as if you are stepping into an island from the past. You see buildings built and still lived in from the 1400’s, if not earlier.

We are staying at the Hotel Pomalo, owned by an American woman who has put her heart and soul into creating a wonderful place to stay. I highly recommend it. The food is delicious, the people are really nice, most speak English, the town, although small has a lot to see and the water is warm and clean. I am so surprised to like Croatia as much as I do. Croatia was never a place I would have thought to have gone to, but now that I am here, I would love to come back one day.

On Saturday I am going home to finally get a Pet Scan. I am not so thrilled to be going home, especially under the circumstances, but I think I need to know what is going on with my body and my Cancer. I must say that I am feeling good. Not looking as good as I would want, but better live and ugly, then dead and beautiful. The pills I am taking seem to be making me older by the day. But at least I have the days.
So, I will go home, check the status of my cancer cells, then turn around and go back to Spain for the month. We will have an apartment in Valencia, but we plan to travel all around Spain. We are going to San Sabastian at the end of the Month and we already have reservations in three restaurants. Your not surprised with me being married to Lewis are you?
Live everyday as if it was your last day to live! There are no guarantees in this world. Smile, laugh and smell the flowers!
“Living is not merely surviving!”
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