Valencia Spain

Well I am now in Valencia Spain. This is not a place that was on my radar to ever visit, but now that I am here I am enthralled with it. It is our 5th day here and already we are talking about what it would take to get a Visa to live here. It is the 3rd largest city in Spain and yet it feels sparsely populated. It is a relatively safe city, you can walk around at night. You have to always be aware of your surroundings as in most places, but it is generally safe. The weather is in the 80’s during the day and the air feels clean and crisp. The people are polite and helpful. It is just so nice here.

Tourism is not prevalent here as in most cities in Europe. No cruise ships, no big groups of tourists. The Old City you can walk around in and not be surrounded by vast amounts of people. Every where you look in this City, Old City or not, there is an old beautiful structure, an ancient relic, a thousand year old church, a fountain, a park, a walking path. So many interesting things to behold.

Then there is a bicycle route through out the city and beyond to the nearby towns and beaches. It appears that everyone rides bikes here. The bicycle route is used by so many people, it is a little scary at first: bikes, scooters, and electric bikes coming at you, but eventually you do get comfortable knowing that yes you will both fit in the bike lane. It is quite civilized.

Ah, did I mention the food? The food is really good, especially after Croatia. That is the only thing that Croatia lacked in was its food. At least for me. But here the food is really tasty, different and exceptional.. One eats really good Paella here, no shit. And if you like Tapas you have restaurant after restaurant offering a great assortment of Tapas. There is no lack of restaurants in this City. And the food is not over priced. You can eat very well for a little bit of money.

FOOD NOTE: Just learned that Paella is supposed to be eaten for lunch, not dinner. The biggest meal of the day here is lunch. Husbands/men made the Paella on the weekends to let the women who usually cook have some time off. They make it on the weekends with friends over a fire, like Americans make a barbeque. Also, the “real” Paella Valencia is not made with sea food, but with chicken and rabbit. Not for me, I will stick with the sea food. I like little bunnies too much. Just an interesting note.

We are having fun. I would truly suggest traveling to anyone who asks. I may have a chronic decease, like my doctor says, (that is what he calls Stage 4 Cancer), but it will not stop me from having fun. Live life to its fullest! And live it now, while you still have it! Life is not merely surviving!!!

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