We went to Ubud, a town in Central Bali known for its crafts, rice paddies and Hindu temples. It was nice, but not at all what we had expected. Yes, you can see more culture here, more temples, more family compounds here, but the area is still so very crowded. We were hopping to get away from the crowds of Canggu and its crazy traffic, but that was not to be had. We went to the Sacred Monkey Forest, the Saraswati Temple, Ubud Palace and its various markets. But the feel was very much like Canggu, but bigger.

We then went to Amed Beach for a few days. It was another two hour drive to get to Amed which is located on Bali’s eastern tip. It was gorgeous and sparsely populated. The water was clean, clear and a startling color blue. It is best known for its snorkeling and scuba diving. We planned to do a lot of each. But alas that is not how our vacation played out. We got onto a motor bike the first night we were there, thinking that, because there was little or no traffic in this remote and secluded spot it was therefore, safe to drive the bike ourselves. Well needless to say, seeing what the title for this Blog is, we wiped out on the bike. The bike went down on Lewis and Lewis went down on my ankle. Very painful, but I could walk. We left the next day, because I was unable to walk to the beach, jump in the sand or even put on flippers. Lewis got scratched up, but all in all, he is doing okay.

I went to a clinic in Seminyak, a very touristy town, which had an x-ray machine. The doctor I saw there told me I had a hairline fracture in my ankle and sold me a very expensive boot to protect my ankle. I sent copies of the x-rays to two orthopedic doctors who said that there appears to be no fracture, but I should walk with a cane, ice my ankle and keep it raised and wear an ace bandage for support. So that is what I am now doing. I was using the boot in order to protect my ankle, the streets here are dangerous. There is no sidewalks and the streets have holes, dips, ledges and every kind of pitfall you can ever imagine a street could have, so I thought the boot would stabilize my foot. But instead of helping, it started to hurt. Now the boot is off for good.

I come home in two weeks to get a Pet Scan and to see a new oncologist. Before we come home we are going to Sydney, Australia for four nights. Looking forward to getting out of the heat and into a cool climate that neither Lewis or I have ample cloths for, but we will persevere. While I will be home I will have to decide if I will keep this new doctor or look for someone else. I have appointments to see a couple of oncologists that have been highly recommended to me. Hopefully, I will be walking without a cane and feeling much much better then I do now! So the ending of my vacation has hit a snag, but I will not let it get me down. I am in a beautiful country, with lovely people and I shall enjoy it as much as I can. Life has its ups and downs. I hurt, but I can also smile.

I am alive and that is what is important. I will live each day and try to get as much enjoyment out of each and every one of them, because; like I always say: Life is not merely surviving!!!!

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