I am in Istanbul in The Republic of Turkey. What a fascinating country this is! Did you know that Istanbul is a City that straddles two continents; the Asian Continent and the European Continent, which is divided by the Bosphorus Strait. You can get to the European side by ferry, train, car or bus. You can have lunch in Europe and dinner in Asia. Wow. We are living on the Asian side and it has such a cosmopolitan feel to it. The European side is not as nice, at least to me. It has the Mosques, the Palace and the real old structures, but it is more crowded and has a more dangerous feel to it.

The restaurants here in Kadikoy, the area where we are living on the Asian side, are amazingly good! There are more restaurants and clubs then I have ever seen in one area. And so Cheap!!!! The cloths here is a bargain hunter’s dream.

We have five weeks to spend here. We do not know if we will stay the full five weeks. We may go to Amsterdam for the 5th week, but we are not sure. We may like this place too much to leave. Too many choices and not enough time.

Once we finish our travels this month we are going home. I am ready. I need to be able to lie down and not feel like I am missing something or that I should be doing something. It is hard traveling, especially after nine months. We will be home for at least a month and while we are home we will decide where we are going next. We are not stopping, we are just catching our breath.

While home I will have to see my primary Oncologist in Miami. I will also contact my Oncologist in New York and start talking to her about planning for when my Doctor in Miami retires. I also want to discuss any new treatments or trials that may be coming available. One should always be kept up to date with new medical advances, which there are many. Be proactive, never become complacent, you are your own best advocate. Fight for every day that you can squeeze out of life. But most of all; Live life to its fullest!

Life is not merely Surviving!!!!

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