So far I have not had a bad wine in this country. In my last blog I spoke of the wine that was produced by a young gentlemen who lives in the Khayelitsha Township. A really poor neighborhood. Most places don’t even have plumbing. And yet, a nice wine was presented.

Yesterday we went on an absolutely completely opposite wine tasting tour in the Stellenbosch Wine Region. This area is jammed pack with boutique wineries. The wineries were really superb, but the scenery is what made the whole trip worth its while. The manors/estates where the tastings were held were all surrounded by mountain ranges that showcased the vineyards. We went to an estate at Mitres Edge Vineyard; this vineyard has the first female winemaker in South Africa. Then we went to the first one hundred percent fully owned black winery in the region, Klein Goederust. This is a 120 year old farm that both the owner and winemaker were sons of former farm laborers living in apartheid South Africa. The times they are a changing.

We had lunch under a three hundred year old Oak tree in a different vineyard that serves from a farm to table menu. Of course they serve wine. We then went to another vineyard and experienced more old-world charm and beautiful surroundings. I must say the day was special.

The scenery was beautiful and the wine was really outstanding. The day was a ten. I know that wine should be limited due to the cancer, but sometimes one must partake in those things that make life worth living. Everything in moderation is my motto. So I won’t drink for the next few days.

Life is not merely surviving!!!!! Another one of my mottos. Did you notice?

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