I found another lump under my arm on the side where the breast was removed. I had an oncologist at that time, who for some reason started to believe that you can be a breast oncologist without touching the person’s breast. 

Last Straw

I was going to change doctors when he did not do a breast examination during my bi annual appointment, but then Covid broke out and I was not to have another examination for another 6 months.  I would definitely say do not go to this doctor, he could have found my cancer if he had tried and it may not have spread if it had been found earlier.  If you live in Miami, ask and I will tell you who he is.   I went back to see him to get my regiment started, (I still was unsure who I would ultimately chose to be my Oncologist, but I knew that it would not be him), and I was told that I should start Ibrance, a form of oral chemo and also receive Fuvestrant also known as Faslodex, an intramuscular shot given in both butt checks every 4 weeks. The shots are very painful, the injections take about three minutes or more per injection. They are oil based so they have to be administered real slow, because oil based shots need time to spread out throughout the body. I agreed with the regiment proscribed, because by this time I had already had 4 second opinions. This cancer turns out to be the same cancer as the one I had in 2004.  That is one saving grace, because it is a slow growing cancer. 

SIDE NOTE: The shot given to me that day in Mount Sinai, must have been given to me by the janitor.

It was so painful that I was laid up in bed for 5 days.  It left me shell shocked and frightened to death for the next 4 treatments thinking that all the shots would be this painful.  They are not, if you get someone good and who cares and who has been trained correctly, then it is not so bad. But I always try to look on the bright side, it kept the cancer from spreading and kept me alive for 14 months.


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