I just came back from Sao Miguel one of the nine islands that make up the area known as the Azores, The Islands are in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, a two hour trip from Lisbon by plane. It was cold and rainy, but beautiful and it was well worth going to even in the winter!!! The place is so green, verdant and full of tropical flowers and plants. Hard to believe that this island is not located in the tropics. We hiked to volcanoes, soaked in hot springs that are heated by active volcanoes, walked over volcanic rocks and saw the most picturesque towns, valleys, rolling hills and lakes. Really a sight to see.

The hotel we stayed in was lovely. It overlooked the Atlantic Ocean and was extremely peaceful. We were virtually the only people in the hotel. Which to me was great. I will definitely return one of these days to see how it is in the spring or fall, the summer I am told is much too crowded!!

It appears that I am having a good time. Appearances can be deceiving, but not at this time. I am enjoying my travels. It is allowing me to forget both my illness and the loss of Lewis much of the time. Sometimes I am hit upside the head with the realization of Lewis’s demise and I break down. But I would breakdown no matter where I was. I am also sure that if I was not traveling, then these times of extreme sadness and the feelings of loss would be more frequent and last longer. It is not that I am trying to mourn less, it is just my attempt to continue to live a full life. There are no guarantees regarding how long one has to live, particularly with my condition, so there is no time to lose.

Find that which makes you happy, fulfilled, and valued and go for it. As I have said in the past, one is not dead until one is put in the ground. If you are alive; then Live!!! Try to enjoy everyday and if you cannot accomplish that, then try to enjoy one hour a day. You will see over time, that the hour will slide into a second hour, then a third and one day you will look back and say, hey, I just had a great day!! Enjoy as many moments of a day as you can and smile, laugh, love, be a friend, talk to those you have not talked to in a long time, help someone who needs it, do something kind and you will see that you will feel better for doing it. You have nothing to lose, a lot to gain, it is well worth trying!!!

Life is Not Merely Surviving!!!!!

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