Well I know that I have not written in a while, but my son came in tor a week to celebrate Thanksgiving with me and he brought his long term girlfriend and a couple of other friends of his that I have known for years. And I have been run ragged. We ran to museums, to Mezcal tastings, to one of the Magic Cities, ballooning, seeing the pyramids, shopping and lets not forget all of the daily lunches, dinners, coffee shops, and bars. Needless to say I am exhausted. But I must admit that I will be real sorry to see him leave.

Thanksgiving was actually okay. The food was great, the company was great, the surroundings were different from anywhere I have ever been to before and the food was not a typical Thanksgiving dinner, far from it. Turkey, stuffing and cranberries were nowhere in sight. I believe that due to all these factors I was able to enjoy the evening, even though I missed Lewis so very much. It is not to say that I did not think of him often, I did, but my mind was preoccupied with what was going on. It is my way of coping with my cancer and now with the passing of my husband, Lewis.

In about a week I leave for Lisbon, Portugal. I will be staying there for 5 weeks and then to Valencia, Spain for a month. Some would say that I was running from my problems, but I would say that I am coping with them and living a full life as I do so. It is very important to remember that I have no guarantee as to how long I have to live and couple that with the understanding that I am not officially dead until I am put into the ground, I chose to live. And I chose to live a life worth living. I am not grieving any less or less unhappy about Lewis death or that I have Stage 4 Cancer, because I travel, but it eases the pain. It gives me something to smile about, something to laugh about and something to talk about. It opens my eyes on a daily basis and I realize that I want to live and enjoy life and partake in everything life has to offer.

Please open your eyes to the world and take a step towards happiness no matter what form that may come in. And realize that we all have issues, some greater than others, but if you are willing to accept what is and decide that you want to live, you can live a happy and full life. Find that which makes you smile, giggle, and laugh. Enjoy everyday as if it was your last. Take the plunge, there really is nothing more that you can lose by doing so.

Like I always say; “Life is not merely surviving!!!!”

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