So my test results came in. My cancer markers went up. The Doctor wants to wait to see if it...
So my test results came in. My cancer markers went up. The Doctor wants to wait to see if it...
Today I took a Covid test and was found to be negative. What a relief. That means that tomorrow I...
So here I am in Lima. All is well and huncky dory, but for the fact that the group I...
What a fun filled weekend. First to Mina Paracas where we went to a beach surrounded by a desert. Water...
We are in Peru and the government has ordered a curfew due to what I have been told was a protest and violent clashes.
Peru is exciting, young, alive, and with great food. Have only seen a small portion of the city of Lima, but what I have seen so far indicates that I will go home loving this country.
First to Peru and then to eleven more countries. I have my meds; I can travel. I am more than excited!
Now I will tell you how I started about three months ago to obtain what I needed medically for the...
Lewis and I always gravitate towards the younger people in each group we ever found ourselves in. We don't want to hear about the grandchildren, golfing, about doctor visits, the pills that they are taking, their arthritis and every and all sicknesses that exist. I do not want to be reminded and talk about what I am going through. I want to be with the young, the group that have plans or the ones that do not know what they will be when they grow up, or those who have dreams, the ones that see the world with excitement and expectations of something wonderful will happen, this in and of itself is exciting. It keeps you young.