Split Croatia

So I did not die. Good news for some, others who knows. However, I did have to go to the hospital in order to make sure I could fly the next day. Just to make the drama more exciting. Actually I was in so much pain even if I was staying in Mexico I would have had to see a doctor. He immediately heard my story, gave me a check up and stated I needed ex-rays of my stomach. So ex-rays I had. He reviewed the ex-rays and stated I would live. There was no blockage and all I had to do was to take 4 different medications and get on a different diet for two weeks. That night after the medication I already started to feel better. So off I go to Split.

It took 11 hours to get to Madrid, two hour wait for the next flight and another 3 hours flying to Split. A very long day. I am still trying to get over my jet lag and my sleep deprivation. But out we went to meet our new travel mates over drinks. We now have 23 new people in our program, as I stated before we changed from our 12 month program and entered into a 4 month program. (We plan on going on another 4 month program to Asia. And then two one month programs one to Portugal and one to South Africa). I will miss about 3 people from the old program, but now in this group we will have enough people to meet the required minimum to run all the side trips that are planned. I am looking forward to making new friends and seeing Europe.

Split sits on the Dalmatian coast in Croatia. There is ancient Greek architecture from when the country was first developed by the Greeks in the 3rd or 2nd century BCE. A Roman emperor then took over by the name of Diocletian who ruled from 284 to 305 AD. So here he built a stunning Palace. The buildings in this town are over 1700 years old. When the Romans left the Venetians came in 1420. Then the Austrians came, the French, the Serbs, then the Italians again and then Germany and finally in1944 when Split was liberated it formed its own government of Croatia. That was a mouth full! You can see evidence of all the Rulers from the different architectural styles.

It is quite beautiful in many areas, particularly the ancient locations. The residence where we are staying for the month looks like an apartment project right out of the Gulag. Our apartment is clean, functional and updated. It works, but it is dark and the windows look straight into another apartment. Of course we keep the shades closed and that is why it is dark. Oh well, I do not expect to spend much time here, only to sleep.

I am here and getting better every day. At least my stomach is. Don’t forget, Life is not merely surviving! Live it as if this day is your last and partake in what ever brings you happiness!

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