We took a van for about a half hour and went out of the City to go rafting on the Cetina River. It was great. We had 6 rafts, all containing our group travelers. There were no one else on the river during the whole trip, which took more than 2 1/2 hours. After which we had lunch on a farm house and was served soparnik, which is one the most famous dishes in Croatia and homemade peka. We were even taught how to make the dish soparnik, which consists of a flour tortia that is as big as a really big pizza and then minced kale, garlic and oil are put on the pie and then another flour tortia put on top. Now all you need is a fireplace, with a connected hot brick floor and you cook the soparnik on the floor and then add hot coals on top of the soparnik until it is cooked. Very delicious, but the room it is cooked in is very hot.

The river was cold and I must say refreshing, especially due to the fact that the weather has been in the mid 90’s since we have been here. The weather men/women say that the weather is going to break, but I know and so do you, that you can never believe what they say. But I am hopeful! I am particularly hopeful the weather will cool down, because my arms are swelling, my feet are swelling and even my ankles from the heat and the pills that I am taking. Soon I am going to look like the marshmallow man.

On another day we took a ferry to the island of Hvar, where we visited the oldest city, Stari Grad, supposedly in Europe. Then we visited a 24 centuries old vineyard where we had lunch, a dish called Peka, again. Peka is a stew of meets and potatoes that stays in the oven for hours under a dome. They served their own home made wines, four to be exact and their own homemade olive oils. Very tasty. One could easily get fat here, because they do not skimp on their servings and the dishes they serve are heavy. But the countrymen are not fat here. Actually the people here are quit good looking. Go figure?

I am having fun! This place is magical, but for the crowds. It is the height of the season and all the restaurants, streets and beaches are extremely crowded. But I am glad I am here. Hope you all are enjoying life and living it to the fullest. Life is not merely surviving!

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