So a little Covid?

So here I am in Lima. All is well and huncky dory, but for the fact that the group I am with were all asked to obtain a Covid test. One of the members came down with it. So lo and behold, my test showed that I have Covid. However, Lewis does not. Isn’t that strange. I am now stuck in my apartment until I take another test on Monday. I do not feel bad, just a little lethargic.

I now have another issue to worry about. But I am not too worried. I have had both sets of shots and two boosters. I am so glad that I got the second booster right before I left the States. I will never understand people who do not get vaccinated. At least I am not dying, not running to the hospital and I really do not feel bad. Those who do not get vaccinated would be in a totally different position. Those who refuse the Covid vaccine have gotten vaccinated for polio, for measles, all childhood diseases, but now they do not believe in vaccines? Medicine and science is now working against them and cannot be believed? But they will run to a hospital when they need help from being effected by Covid. Where is the logic in that? When will the American people wake up and realize they are being used as pawns in a political fight? One in which neither side is going to win.

Sorry too much time on my hands at the moment.



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