Santa Marta Colombia

So to get out of the rain that has been consistent in Medellin and to change our scenery we decided to fly to Santa Marta. This is an area that is on the northern most coast of Colombia. Lo and behold it has not rained once since we have arrived here four days ago. We are staying on the beach and the area is peaceful, quiet and relaxing. Although we are right next to the airport and we can hear the planes flying right overhead, but this is not overwhelming. It occurs infrequently enough to not be such a problem.

Santa Marta ColombiaOur dear friend Claudia from Miami hooked us up with her dearest friend who lives here in Santa Marta. Her name also happens to be Claudia. She is a really special person and she has given us the best times we have had here in town. Hopefully, we will see her again before we leave.

The downtown area in Santa Marta is a bit like Poblado without the glitter and money. It has restaurants, bars, clubs and music blearing just as load as Poblado, just not as large of an area and less to chose from.

TRAVEL NOTE: Medellin is a place to go, if you are young and want to party. It has a vast variety of clubs, good food that is very reasonably priced and is well protected by the police. However, you must always be on your guard, thefts are rampart and there is a drug, Scopolamine, that is used in all areas of Colombia, not just in Medellin, that makes you totally compliant to anyone’s requests; like give me all your money, jewelry, car, keys to your home so forth. Very scary, you wake up without any memory or belongings.


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