We went on a Safari at Kapama Buffalo Camp located in Hoedspruit, South Africa. Right next door to Kruger National Park. It was not a long safari, four days, but long enough to see all of the so called Big Five animals. They are called this from years gone by when hunting was seen as a sport, they are all mammals and considered the most hazardous creatures to seek on foot. They are: the Elephant, Lion, Leopard, Black Rhinos and Buffalo. It was great!!! We also saw Giraffes, Zebras, Wort hogs, Impalas, Hyenas, Owls, Hippopotamus, monkeys, Eagles, Crocodiles, and oh so many other birds and small animals. It was hard to believe the majestic beauty of all these animals and the fact that they were all visible in one gigantic location.

We viewed all the animals in open air safari trucks. Most of the viewing was from a very short distance away, sometimes we were within a mere few feet of the animals. A mama Rhino started to come at our vehicle, because we were too close to her baby. What a cutie! We saw young lion cubs and juvenile elephants. I even fed an elephant in an area that you could go and see rescue elephants.

This trip has engendered a desire in me to come back for a much, much longer safari in the not too distant future, we are now starting to plan such a trip, God willing. The property that we stayed in was beautiful. The rooms were permanent tents on stilts that overlooked the jungle with wide balconies and the rooms were perfectly appointed and oh so comfortable. I would greatly recommend anyone coming to South Africa to book a trip with them.

We had a blast. I could try to describe the animals, but there is no way that I would be worthy of their explanation. I will enclose many pictures to do them justice.

I am living a full and complete life! I may have cancer, but it will not stop me. Live life to its fullest!!!

Living is not merely surviving!!!!!!!!!

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