Here I am in Valencia and eating as if there is no tomorrow. Good thing this is a walking town or I would put on 300 pounds. The food is really, really good here. On every block there must be at least one restaurant, café, coffee or gelato shop. You cannot get away from food, everyone just eats all the time.

Next week we are going to go to Madrid by train. We are going to see the sights, go to a few museums and we are going to a concert while we are there. From there we are going to Balboa and then to San Sabastian. Why you might ask; did you guess? Well because San Sabastian is well known to be the food capital of the world. AGAIN FOOD!!! I will let you know if San Sabastian lives up to its reputation.

NOTE: I started to add friends on Facebook. I was told that this was a way to increase readership of my blog. It might actually be working. But some of the people I have become friends with, I have already had to block. I do not want to see scantily clad women and men and even more. And I certainly do not want to meet a man, has Facebook become a dating site? Especially those men who only wants me to either give them money, get them into America or go to their country to take up arms all in the name of love. Are people really so gullible? Tell me it isn’t true. (Just a lesson learned; be careful who you befriend).

Valencia is a great place to visit. If you have never been, give it a try. It is much more relaxed then most big cities and it has an air about it that makes you feel calm, relaxed and serene; like the people who live here. I still cannot figure out how this country runs; people are out all night, restaurants do not even open till 8:00 for dinner, clubs at 11:00 or even 12:00 and they stay open till the wee hours of the morning. Then the workers get into work around 10:00 and then they close at 1:00 for lunch and reopens, maybe, at 5:00. There is no telling if they will reopen. How does a country manage to run with these work hours. How is anything accomplished. But it works, that is why everyone is so calm and serene here. America has a lot to learn from this country.

So, I have found a place I really enjoy. I am living, I am enjoying, I am not merely surviving!!!!!! Enjoy everybody, enjoy your lives, whether in good health or in bad, whatever, this is the only time we have and it does go by so very quickly. Don’t squander your days, enjoy something, anything at least once a day and make it worth living!!! Again; Living is not merely surviving!!!!

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