By now you must all be wondering why I have not been blogging for such a long time, well I will tell you, I have been really sick. Not from Cancer, but from something I ate. Go figure. We went to Hoi An and DeNang located in Central Vietnam and it was the best part of the trip. So much nicer then Hanoi. The very next day after our return I was in the hospital. I was in agony the night I came back to Hanoi. Never felt such pain in my life and I have felt some excruciating pain in my life. At first they gave me a sonogram and said that due to my stomach being filled with gas I needed intravenous fluids and antibiotics. At that point I was ready, anything to stop the pain. I spent about seven hours in the hospital and was told to come back the next day for more antibiotics. The next day when I arrived at the hospital I indicated that the pain was no longer in my stomach, but was now located on my right side exactly where my appendix is located. So another sonogram and then a cat scan and then another sonogram and the decision was made that it could be appendicitis. So more antibiotics were administered intravenously. I was then told that I should see a surgeon to discuss an operation. I made it cleat that I was absolutely not going to have an operation, especially when I felt so much better then the day before. I told them and the doctor agreed that I should come back again and get more antibiotics the following day. So for the next two days thereafter I went for a dose of antibiotics. I even went the morning before I flew out of the country to Thailand. They gave me the go ahead to fly due to how well I was feeling.

The doctor in Vietnam stated that I should continue on this regiment in Thailand until I am all better. I was in a Thai hospital again yesterday. The doctor I saw in the Thai hospital was not too swift and he required me to talk to a surgeon in order to get the prescription for the antibiotics that I needed. No one even suggested I should get the antibiotics intravenously. The visit to the Thai hospital was not a great experience, but at least I got the same antibiotics I have been taking in Vietnam in pill form. I will go back to a different hospital sometime this week to get a sonogram and a second option to make sure that I am doing right.
Vietnam was not my favorite country. Hanoi was dirty, slimy and just icky. The walls were black due to dirt and slim. Even the temples that tourists come to see are darkened by years of filth. The ground in the city where you sat and ate was the same. Hard to believe. They cooked the food on the same dirty street. No wonder I got sick. But the people were wonderful! They were nice, caring, considerate and really just decent people. I really cannot say enough about them. Had I not been in Hanoi and gotten sick I may fell differently, but I will never return to Vietnam.
Well due to my issue with my appendix I have not been thinking about my condition at all. But, I really never think about having cancer until I have to do something regarding it, like see a doctor, get a test, make an appointment, fight with the insurance company, get my pills, fight for my pills, etc. That is the only time it comes into my mind. I realized recently that I do not think about my cancer in regards to limiting my life, or shortening it or get depressed by what it means. I am not sure why I do not, but I am grateful that I don’t. Life in general is too short to second guess when you will take your last breath. It could be due to cancer, it can be due to appendicitis, it can be due to a lightening strike. No one knows, so why worry. Everyone is different, but to me, enjoy your life. Live every day as if it is your last. Smile, laugh, do something you enjoy. I will be spending a great deal of time dealing with my appendix, but I have and will still do all these things.
Life is not merely surviving!!!!
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