We are now traveling Asia with some of the nicest people ever. They threw us an anniversary party that could not have been beat. We all went to the bar located on the top of the Lotte Center, 65 flights up, and had drinks and snacks. We danced, sang and had a real great time. We were even interviewed by one of the guys who has a You Tube channel giving us all kinds of credit for having stuck it out with each other for over 41 years. The evening was so much fun and this group is so wonderful that we are starting to make plans to meet up with this group later in their travels. They are doing a 12 month trip around the world. We only signed up for the Asian portion of their trip, which is where they started their trip. We plan to go to any country that they are heading to that we have not already been to. There are at least three countries and we may even try Spain again, but this time in the winter. We are seriously thinking about moving to Valencia so we do need to see it in all seasons.

After the drinks, whoever did not have to work went to a Chinese restaurant that was extremely good in the Lotte Center. The evening is one that I will always remember as one of the best anniversaries ever.

So my life continues, I am living every moment of it with gusto. I like Vietnam, I do not love it. But it is well worth coming here and experiencing the sights, the food and the wonderful people of Vietnam. At least I am not home waiting for doctor’s appointments, worrying about my condition. I am out and living life to the fullest. So find your group, your friends, your joy and laugh often and remember “Life is not merely surviving”!!!!
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