So one day I had Covid and the next day I did not, so on to Sacred Valley I go by air. We, Lewis and I, arrived two days early in Cuzco, the major town/city in Sacred Valley in order to get used to the altitude. We even started to take the altitude pills two days early before arriving in order to help get use to the altitude. No deal. I was sick as dog. I had head aches, I was dizzy, and my energy level was nil. I think it really was due to Covid and its after affects. But then again 11,000 feet above sea level may do it to you as well.

In order to go, I had to pack a smaller bag for the five days that I was to spend in Cuzco. I put a small empty travel bag in my suitcase just for such a purpose. Once I opened it, I saw that it belonged to my son and in it was a pass to Bush Gardens. This would not be even mentionable, but for the fact that the pass was dated 2004. This was a field trip that my son’s school went on and I was one of the chaperones. No big deal you would say, except for the fact that I was a chaperon only three weeks after my major surgery for the removal and reconstruction of my right breast. During the three day event I was wearing a binding around my stomach in order to hold the two bags that were draining the fluid that was being collected from my breast and abdomen. Every night I had to unwind the binding and remove the fluid from the bags. Why you may ask did I go on such a trip, which I must admit Lewis did not want me to go on, I went so that my kids who knew I was to be on the trip would not think that I was dying. I felt that I had to reassure them that I was going to get better and be the mother that I always was for them. I am not sure if it meant as much to them as it did for me.

There are people who would say that I should not be on this trip. See you got Covid and now you have altitude problems. But keep in mind, it is safer here in Peru then it is in Miami, Florida. As I look at the world and the state we are in, I have come to the conclusion that eventually we will all have Covid at one time or another. It is inevitable. So go out and enjoy your life, don’t hide, don’t be afraid, what will happen will happen no matter where you are and what you do. Make life worth living!

TRAVEL NOTE. Do not even for a minute consider driving in Cuzco. The streets are tiny, a single lane street will be used to go in both directions. No one stops for pedestrians. The streets are crowded not only with people, but with children, dogs and Lamas. I have driven in many countries, but this one would, for me, be hair raising and dangerous. Oh, did I mention that the police are constantly closing off streets surrounding the public squares making it even more difficult to get around town.

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