What a fun filled weekend. First to Mina Paracas where we went to a beach surrounded by a desert. Water was extremely cold which you would not expect since it is surrounded by a desert. The sand is not hot. Go figure.

On to HucachinaWe then went on Dune Buggys and flew over the sand dunes. Exhilarating. At the end we all met up in on a Sand Dune and had a sunset picnic with a charcuterie platter and all kinds of alcohol. And to top it all off we toasted marshmallows while sitting by a bonfire. A great evening with some great people.

The next day we picked up the fun by going to Paracsa Reserve, Ballestas Islands. In the morning we went on a boat to go to see Penguins and Sea Lions. They call this the poor mans Gallipolis, close, but no cigar. But well worth the trip. After, we went Dune Buggeying again, wilder ride this time, do not know how they accomplished that, but they did. This time while we were up on a very tall and steep sand dune we buggy boarded down on our stomachs. They call this sand sledding. People do ski down, but they are generally locals. One guy on our trip did snow board down on his feet, at least until he got most of the way down and then fell.

SIDE NOTE. I got a severe headache on the last day we were on this excursion. It is due to the medication that I am taking. I have had them before and it is one of the side affects of the meds; Afinator and Exemestane. I still say, I would have had the headache no matter where I would have been, so better having it while doing something fun and exciting, then to be home and doing nothing that would bring a smile to my face.


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