Antigua Square

I am going home to Miami tomorrow. Why you may ask. Well, like I said before, my blood tests have been all over the place and my doctor is unable to determine my state of health. So on Monday I will have my blood tests taken in the lab that I have had most of my tests done and on Wednesday I will see the doctor. From these test results he will be able to determine if my cancer has been growing or if it is stabilized. I will then immediately leave to go to Mexico City to continue my travels. However, I will have to come back home again in the middle of the month for a Pet Scan. The Pet Scan will tell for certain what my cancer is doing on a molecular level.

Lewis and I are now considering going on a longer trip. We may now add about 2 to 4 additional countries to our travels. It will be determined by my next tests.

So long as I am feeling good, I am traveling. I cannot even imagine not traveling, what would we do? Sit home and worry about my diagnosis? No. I will live my life until the day I die! Because, living is not merely surviving!



Lake Atitlan
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