Well Mexico City is not what I expected. From what I see, Mexico gets a bad rap by the United States. It is so much easier to hate people if you think that the country and the people in the country are not anything like you. In actuality, the city is very much like New York and the people seem to be kinder and nicer then the people in New York. It reminds me of New York about 25 years ago.

Lewis and I have decided to change our trip agenda. Instead of staying with the group we are with now, we are going on a 4 month European trip that has many more participants. Our group of travelers were getting too small for our liking. The trip does not include the one month trips to Portugal and South Africa that our current trip has. It does include Croatia, Spain, Italy and Turkey, in that order. Once finished with this new trip we will then we return to Miami for one month to see my doctor and to have my tests. We will then go on a one month trip to Portugal, South Africa and then onto the 4 month trip in Asia. So we are extending our trip for sure for at least 2 months with Remote Year. Not too upsetting.

So now what is so great about Mexico. Mexico has extraordinary amount of museums and parks. There seems to be a large park every 7 to 10 blocks. There is also one park, Bosque de Chapultepec, that is as big and as nice as Central Park. It even has a castle in the park and lakes with Swan boats. There are at least 3 to 5 restaurants on every block. A coffee shop on every other block. A very livable area. We have already met about 10 Americans that have either moved here permanently or are in the process of getting their Residency Papers. Mexico City is very accepting in regards to sexuality and religion. The pictures of border crossings will one day very soon be showing the mad dash rush across the boarder from the United States into Mexico, if things in the U.S. keep going in the direction it is.

If my heart keeps pumping and I feel good, I may join the party. Life is not merely surviving!

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