Madrid is something to see. Everywhere you look there is a more elaborate building, church, obelisk, archway, fountain, sculpture, even the roofs of the buildings have sculptures on them. I could go on and on. It is fascinating to think of the wealth this country had to have when it was being built. One of the only downfalls to this city that I have found so far is the traffic, it is terrible. But the streets are wide and even though crowded it is not overwhelming.

We went to the Prado yesterday and the art is exquisite. But it was the building itself that was really the work of art. I think I could learn to really like this place.

A bunch of us are now talking about whether or not to go to Transylvania, Romania for Halloween. The town throws a bash in Dracula’s castle, ie Bram Castle, every year. It will take some doing to get there, but it would be a hoot to do it.

I do not know how the people are so thin here. All they do, all day and all night long, is eat and drink. The restaurants are filled with patrons, even though there is two to five restaurants on each street. So how do they accomplish this feat, it is against nature you know. Lewis and I have already been to the restaurant that claims to be the oldest restaurant in the world, opened since 1725, which is famous for its roast suckling pig. It was good, not great, but interesting to experience. We also been to a restaurant that has been open since 1839. The meal was a very hardy and old fashioned. They stewed various meets with chickpeas and cabbage. Again it was good, but not great. It proves that being one of the oldest restaurant, or even the oldest in the world, does not mean it is the best restaurant.

Tomorrow we are going to Bilbao a city located in northern Spain in the Basque Country. Then after a few days we are going to San Sabastian, also in the Basque region, known for its beaches and FOOD. How they can put the most renowned restaurants all in one place next to a beach I cannot understand. If I do not stop eating like this I will not fit into my cloths, let alone my bathing suit.

I am feeling good, living life, eating too much and not allowing Cancer to dampen my spirits. Go out and do something for yourself. Do something that makes you smile. Enjoy the days you got, because you can never get them back. Living is not merely surviving!

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