The bomb had really very little effect on the populace here in Istanbul. Right after the bomb, we were told not to go to the European side of Istanbul, because it was too dangerous. We were also informed that some of the tours that were suppose to take place would be canceled. Two days later it all changed back to normal. No travel restrictions and all scheduled activities, as well as new ones, were proceeding full speed ahead. It is as if nothing happened at all. The police are visible and out in force, but all things said and done, it is quite peaceful and calm here. That shows you Bomber’s, all that planning and killing, all for naught.

We finally made our reservations to leave Istanbul a week early to go to Amsterdam. I am looking forward to going. I have not been there since I was a kid. I hear it is supposed to be a really fun place to visit. I will let you know.

Then we will return home for the month of December. I will, hopefully, get a clean bill of health from my doctors and start up on a new adventure soon thereafter. We really have no plans to stay put. We still want to go to all the locations we were going to go to originally; South Africa, Portugal, Bali, Thailand, Vietnam and Japan, each for a month. We are also considering going to an Ashram in India for a month. It will be a vacation from our vacation. A time to just chill and meditate. LOL. All of these travel plans depend, of course on my health, but also on the time of the year we plan to go and on the weather conditions in each of these countries. I do not want to go during the monsoon season or in the dead of winter. It will be fun planning.

It may seem to you like I am treating my illness as unimportant or a mere inconvenience to my plans. Well it is definitely an inconvenience, I must admit. But I do not want to live my life worrying about that which I cannot do anything about, more than I am already doing. I am taking my pills and I see my doctor as often as he and I think is necessary. I do not want to think about being sick, I just want to live a full, fun and vibrant life. If I get bad news, well then, that is when I will have to think about what is and what I will have to do because of it, but not until then. Live life until you die, don’t go down without a fight! Fight to be happy, fight to forget your problems and just find a way to enjoy everyday that you have.

Life is not merely surviving!!!!

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