My doctor, Dr. Vogel, has received and reviewed the reports from my Cat Scan and he and I are more than thrilled with the findings. Both of my cancer markers are stable. No new cancer growth is visible and in one segment of my body the amount of cancel cells has even decreased. My hip shows future problems, (degeneration of the bone), but I will deal with that when I come home from my travels.

I no longer need to get the blood tests in the various countries I will be traveling to anymore. My doctor says that they were basically useless the last couple of months, so why bother. My doctor also said that I only need to come home every 3 to 4 months to be examined and to get my tests in order to see how I am doing. With the caveat; if I feel pain, something different, another bump, etc., I should return home immediately. He does not know that I am expecting to be out of the country for 5 months before coming home. What’s a month or two going to do to me? It is all a guessing game.

As you know, I am now in Mexico City. It was not what I expected at all. It is large, exciting, happening, with a lot of good restaurants, a massive amount of bars, and the city just has a good vibe to it. It actually feels very much like New York City to me, but without the overpowering noise, masses of people, or even the expense. And believe it or not it feels and I am told that it is safe. They have their bad neighborhoods that you have to be very cautious in, but so does every city. Cannot tell you much more, just arrived a couple of days ago. But I plan on exploring this city this month and I will let you know what I find.

Wake up every day and feel thankful that you “can” smell the flowers. Go out and do something fun, something rewarding, something for someone else, something you always wanted to do, do it now when you still have the ability and the time. Live life!

Life is not merely surviving!

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