So I come home just to learn, thank God, that it was all for naught. I am well, or at least stable and all my concerns are due to the various medications that I am on. Okay, so long as I know that there is a reason for my ailments and that it is not due to the cancer growing, I can live with it. So I will itch, my feet and arms will swell, I will lose hair, but I will live and I will travel. Life goes on.

Tonight we are leaving for Valencia Spain. We shall be there for a month. Then onto Palermo and then to Istanbul. Then home for a month. We plan to continue traveling, for 3 to 4 months at a time and then come home for one month to monitor my health between trips.
Lewis and I have decided that for as long as we can, we shall travel and see the world. We will take our time traveling and figure out where we want to live once our travels are over. There are so many beautiful and fascinating countries in this world, one should not limit ones self to what one only knows.
Live your life to the fullest!! Don’t waste a moment on worrying about what will be tomorrow, because there are no guarantees, for anyone! Enjoy life for as long as you have it. Life is not merely surviving!!!!!
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