Happy New Year to all my friends, family, acquaintances, blog attendees and to all those that fell into this Blog by mere accident!! It is a new year and with it comes a desire for the next year to be different, better and more fulfilling then the last. But in actuality the only difference this year has from the last is that it contains one more year in it’s date. No difference really, but it stands for a new beginning, new hope and it creates a new goal post to measure by. So make your new year resolutions, reset your goal post, tell your mind it is a new start and work towards a better future. Start small, set a goal you can attain and incrementally achieve your goal. If you start out wanting to learn a language, lose 50 pounds, prepare to run a marathon, cure your health all in a month, you won’t, at least most of us can not achieve such a goal. So why set out with a unwinnable hand? Start with what you can win and have a fighting chance to achieve all your goals.

It is 2023, which means I have made it through another year with Stage 4 Cancer. It has been a great year for me. Health aside, I have seen 10 countries, many gorgeous sites, met great people, ate exotic food, had fun and lived a great life. I cannot complain at all.

My health, well, I have had to change my medication again and this time it has been rough. I am not sure that I can stay on the pills I have most recently been put on. My mood is horrible, my stomach is on the fritz, I have head aches and my energy is diminished. So, I will give it one more week to see if my body and mind adjusts or I will try another medication. Again, I will have a break in period and another set of side affects. Oh well, it keeps me alive and that is all that matters. But if I do have to try another medication, I will not be able to leave on the 1st of February. I guess then I will be leaving on the first of March. But leave I shall. I want 2023 to be just as good as 2022.

So, make your resolutions!!! Take this new year as a reset button and Start to live life to it’s fullest!!

Life is not merely surviving!!!!

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