Happy Mothers Day To Me

Medellin at Night

Yesterday was Mother’s Day. I knew that my children would not be with me. I know that they have their own lives to live. I got a call from my daughter wishing me a happy Mother’s Day and it was really nice. That really is all that I wanted or expected. I got a one-line email from my son; wishing me a happy Mother’s Day. Nothing else. Not so nice. But what can you do?

When you have children you have this dream about what it will be like once you have children; you dream that you will have a loving and caring family, you dream that not only will we love each other, but we will respect one another and be friends. You want this to be, but not everything is in your control. Some children do not see what we did for them, what we sacrificed for them and how much we want for them to be happy, do well, and have their own lives.

Sometimes the dream is all their is. I am not saying that it is a nightmare, but I am saying that sometimes a dream is one that you are rudely woken up from and you scratch your head and wonder why it is not as you imagined it would be like and why love is sometimes not reciprocated.

On to my reality; Medellin as I said is a beautiful city. Our friends left yesterday, (you can pick your spouse and friends, but not your family) and we are in the process of deciding if we should take a trip to Santa Marta, a beach town. We have been in Santa Marta a long long time ago. About 30+ years. I am sure we will not recognize it, but I am sure I would enjoy getting out of a town and onto a beach. I think I need some R & R. Hard to believe needing a vacation from your vacation. But I do.

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