What an interesting and different place this is. The moment you arrive you know that you are a long way from home. The people are so very nice. They are helpful, polite, kind and they seem gentle in their demeanor. The p

People in the north (such as Hanoi) do not hate Americans, even though they have ample reasons to do so. But they believe and I feel that they are essentially right, they won the war. So why hate us?

The first thing you notice when you arrive is the amount of motor bikes on the road. Millions of them. And they are all going in every which direction. There seems to be no rules other than, don’t cause an accident. They are a form of local transportation, you call on an app and they come pick you up and get you to where you want to go much faster than if you call for a car to pick you up. Many times I find myself closing my eyes when I am on the bike behind the driver. It is hair raising.

The next thing you notice is the size of the chairs and table that these people sit on. They are made for nursery schools in America. Our American populace would not fit on such chairs. But here they sit at them and eat food right on the sidewalk. The food is made right on the side walk as well. It does not seem so hygienic, but no one seems to be getting “real” sick eating this food. Although, we all have had at one time or another, and remember we all have only been here 11 days, some sort of stomach issues. Well, as so many would point out, that it is worth it. I will tell you after a month here.

The only downfall of the place is the smog and pollution. I feel it more than most. In the city it makes the surroundings look as if we were in a fog. Everything looks hazy and undefined.

We went to Ninh Binh province to see one of the ancient capital of Vietnam, Hoa Lu. We rode motor bikes to a UNESCO heritage site and hiked up to Mua Cave. We visited a lime-stone Temple, Thai Vi. Went on a row boat that took us through caves and where the people who rowed the boat did so with their feet. The day was wonderful and full of beautiful sites and scenery.

We took a cruise on Halong Bay. It was for two days, which was too short, but still worth going. It was beautiful and relaxing. Halong Bay has been granted World Heritage Status due to the geological and geomorphological formations that exist in the Bay. These formations consist of 3,000 islands all made up of limestone. What a beautiful sight.

Today I shall go for a Vietnamese cooking class. I am sure I shall enjoy it. What I can say about this trip and most trips that I have been on and those I shall go on in the future; I say that I do not have time to think about my medical condition. I do not wallow in despair. I live. I do those things that I want to do and I do not live only to see my doctors. If I was home, I would be seeing my oncologist at least once a month. I have made the decision to push my doctors visit to every three months. And even this is too frequent, but I need to get my Pet Scans every three months to make sure that my medications are still working. I am taking a risk, but I do not have a death wish. During those three month intervals I live!!!! I do not worry and I just enjoy life! Those with conditions like mine should do the same. Find something that you enjoy, do something everyday that will makes you smile. Avoid worrying, because it does not help you in any manner. Try to live everyday and be joyful for the mere fact that you are alive!!!!

Living is not merely surviving!!!!!

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