Saying goodbye to Mexico City was hard. It truly is a great City and a place where I had to say goodbye to some really good friends. Mexico City is a location that all Americans should go to in order to learn that their southern neighbors are not as portrayed by the American political system. They are educated, friendly, peaceful people and they are not running to come to America. It is always easier to hate those that you do not know to be just like yourself. Okay, yes I will stop being a political commentator. Just come and see the place for yourself; you would totally enjoy the metropolitan City with its numerous parks, restaurants of every kind, a hundred plus museums and it’s stunning architecture.

I am now in Lisbon. It is a world away. It took over 10 hours to fly here and the trip was tedious to say the least. But, I am glad I am here. This city is wonderful. The people are great and they make you feel right at home. I have only seen bits and pieces of Lisbon so far, but what I see I am truly enjoying. I am constantly reminded that Lewis would have loved it here and that brings on the regret and sorrow that I feel, because he is not here with me. I do miss him so!! I have so much to discuss with him and it turns out to be a one sided conversation. Call me nuts, but I do believe he hears me.

I am now traveling with the Remote Year group that we had left when Lewis and I went home to I can get my quarterly Pet Scan and various blood tests. I am sharing an apartment with a wonderful woman who understands how I feel. She cared a great deal for Lewis as well having spent three months traveling with him and it makes it so much easier for me to get by from one day to the next with someone who knew and cared for him. I have another friend arriving tomorrow. She and I have known each other since middle school. We have not really spent any time together for years, but now I feel it is the time for me to reignite old friendships and reestablish a bond. I feel I need friends now more then ever having just lost my soul mate and best friend.

On Wednesday we are going to go to Sao Miguel, an island in the Azores. It requires climbing back on a plane for two and a half hours to get there, but I have been told that it is well worth it. It has volcanos, natural hot springs, vineyards and dramatic landscapes throughout the island. There are nine other islands that make up the Azores and hopefully we can get to a couple of others while we are there.

We are also going to go to Porto for four days over the Christmas holiday. It is suppose to be stunning and all decked out for Christmas and well, I want to sample the Port that is rumored to be the best there. I must say that so far there has not been one wine that I have not liked in this city and it is so reasonably priced. It is amazing what you can purchase at a market for only five or six dollars.

Yes, you may say, I am not supposed to drink wine. I am not supposed to eat sweets and bread and all that great stuff. But how can I not eat Pastel de Nata? How can I not drink the great Portuguese wines and Ports? I have come to the startling conclusion that if I die of cancer, I will do so with or without denying myself those things that make life worth living. Will I do so to excess, no, but I will partake in what life has to offer. It is a choice all of us with certain diseases have to make. I have always chosen to live life to its fullest!!! The death of my husband who was not sick at all brings that sentiment to a head for me. We can all go at any moment, without any warning. So live life, enjoy life and do not worry about what tomorrow will bring. I am not suggesting that you act stupidly, moderation is my motto, but find that which will bring you happiness and with a zealousness go after it, embrace it and live!!!!

Life is not merely surviving!!!!!!

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