So three months have come and gone. The same three months that I have traveled in Asia with this group of fellow travelers. How could this have happened so fast? I am not at all happy that my time to travel has come to an end and my time with these people will come to an end as well. I will truly miss some of the friends that I have made. But I must go home to get a round of tests to see if the medication that I am taking is still working. I believe it is, but I have been wrong before. Tomorrow we leave Bali and we go to Sydney Australia for four nights. We shall see a friend of mine who lives there, which I am looking forward to seeing. Have not seen her since before the Pandemic. And then I come home for a Pet Scan, various doctor visits and treatments. I have to find a new oncologist to take the place of my old and dear oncologist who is now retired. He will be a tough doctor to replace. But try I will. I have about 4 different doctor appointments during the month of July to see who, if any, I will like and who will agree to work with me. I am not an ordinary type of patient, I require someone who is willing to work around my traveling. I firmly believe that my travels keep me centered, alive, not fretting and enjoying my life.

On another note, my daughter is going to give birth to a little girl in July and we are planning to go visit her and the baby. Of course, after all my tests, but as soon as she wants us to come. A grandchild, that is exciting!!!

We are also planning to meet up with the same group of travelers again in November. They will be in Mexico City at that time, and then we will proceed to travel with them to Portugal, Valencia and Marrakesh the following three months. Lewis and I have decided to continue to travel. We have no plans to stop any time soon, we will travel forever long that I am capable of doing so or until we get tired. We also want to find somewhere we want to call home. Miami, is not the place for us anymore. And the location does not necessarily have to be in the United States. We are going back to Valencia to see it in the Winter. We were there in the summer and we really enjoyed it. It is a very livable city.

Life is strange. It takes its twists and turns. My health is an issue, but one that I will try not to allow to stop me from enjoying the days that I have. I do not want to live from doctor appointment to doctor appointment. I much prefer to travel and not worry about my health until I have to. I am now setting the dates for my tests and making sure my insurance company will cover it, but I still have so much more fun to be had that I don’t have time to worry about the results of the upcoming tests. That is what I encourage you to do!!!

Live your life! Take everyday as a gift and try not to worry about your condition. Worrying about it, will not change anything. Find something in your life that you love and just do it. Live your life to it’s fullest!!! Smile, love, laugh and forget about all your problems! Even if only for one moment!!!

Life is not merely surviving!!!!

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