Lewis and I always gravitate towards the younger people in each group we ever found ourselves in. We don’t want to hear about the grandchildren, golfing, about doctor visits, the pills that they are taking, their arthritis and every and all sicknesses that exist. I do not want to be reminded and talk about what I am going through. I want to be with the young, the group that have plans or the ones that do not know what they will be when they grow up, or those who have dreams, the ones that see the world with excitement and expectations of something wonderful will happen, this in and of itself is exciting. It keeps you young. They are excited to be alive. That is who I want to be around, this group gives you hope which you can take flight on.

So, I will not talk about how I feel. Even when I am asked, usually by those who are not really interested or its being asked in politeness, I answer “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”. Those who ask who really want to know I still answer 90 percent of the time the same way. I go out, I work, I live, I interact with others and if I am in pain, I know that staying home will not stop the pain. So if I do not feel good, I will not feel good, I will live life and try to have my mind distracted by being out and thinking about something other than about how I feel. Even my doctor and nurses will ask how do I feel every time I see them and in a tongue in check manner; I respond “If I did not know that my body is trying to kill me, I feel great!” If the truth must be known.

What Me Old?

The fact that I feel good has been true since finding out about my condition. The shots hurt, but they were tolerable once they are given, if given in a skillful and careful manner. The Ibrance did not affect me in any negative way. All and all, I lived my life without any changes, but for doctor visits, many doctor visits. But now my protocol has been changed, new medicine with different side affects which I am just now learning about. But we will get to that at a later stage.

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