Fun in Antigua Guatemala

I have been here now for about 12 days and I must say that I am really enjoying this place. First of all it is beautiful, especially if you like really ancient architecture. It is green and lush all around as well and the people are just so nice. The food is really good and very reasonable. The rum cannot be beat. Zacapa all the way and they have bottles you cannot get anywhere else. It is not dangerous and you can walk anywhere her without fear in the dark. Got to be cautious like everywhere you go, but it is relatively safe here. The biggest fear when you are walking at night in the dark here is the open gratings and missing cobble stones they have in the streets, you can easily break a leg.

My New Pet

We went into a nearby town, took the local bus there for about 65 cents. Lewis is having shoes made for him in three different colors that he chose, his own design. The place specializes in making handmade cowboy boots. So of course, I bought a leather jacket.

Tomorrow we are going on a mountain hike up to the volcano. It is not the hardest climb, but it is enough for me. Once we get to the top we are going to have homemade crispy pizza made in the vent of the volcano. I will let you know how it is. Then this weekend we are going to Tikal. It is one of the largest Mayan ruins in the world out in the middle of a jungle that has jaguars, other assortment of wild cats, tapirs, monkeys and over 500 bird species. It is also a UNESCO World Heritage site. This should be fun. We are staying at the lake in one of Francis Ford Coppola’s eco lodges.

So here I am, going to a hospital when I come back from Tikal to get a blood test. This test will determine if I come home for a test in the U.S. at the end of this month. But instead of worrying about it, I will keep my mind and spirit active and have fun. That is what life is all about, I found love, had my children, worked and now it is time to just enjoy the rest of my life. I will take one day at a time, but I will not take it sitting down!!!

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