So I am home much longer then I had ever intended to be. I really thought that I would be out of here traveling already. But alas, not until the third week of February when I leave for South Africa.

However my stay in Miami has not been so bad, not at all. I have seen more family, more friends and had more company then ever before. My daughter came to visit with her fiancé. It was great seeing her so happy. Our dear friends from Austin came to stay with us. My long lost friends from elementary school found me and we hooked up and our relationship felt as if no time had passed at all. My husband’s two best friends from collage came down and spent time with us. My cousin who I haven’t talked to in years called me. Friends from our recent journeys have met up with us. It feels so strange, but very nice, that all these people are reaching out, especially when most of them did not even know that I have cancer.

Next week I go to the doctor to get a nod from from him indicating that I can leave on my travels. I will not know if the medicine I am on is working, but the tests will show that the medication is doing no harm to my body. That is the best that can be determined until I get my pet scan at the end of March, when I come back.

In March, once the pet scan results are obtained, and the medication is found to be working, I will go traveling for another three months, which is the amount of time that has to lapse in order to get another pet scan. If the results are not good and I need to take new medication, I shall go on my trip anyway, so long as I am feeling well, and then come back in three months to get a pet scan. Either way, it takes three months to determine if the medication that I am on is effective. So I will live my life and make plans to continue traveling.

Life has been good. I feel good. And I am thankful that I have so many good and dear friends that keep my spirits high. I may have had to stay in Miami, but it has been quit enjoyable. Find your old friends, seek out your relatives you once enjoyed and try to smile as often as possible.

Life is not merely surviving!!!!

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