So the Doctor says that the differences in the results of the two blood tests, one in Lima, Peru and the other in Medellin, Colombia, may be due to some fluctuations in the different laboratories and he is not overly concerned! He says that I can now wait another month, so long as I am feeling well, to once again see what a new blood test will show. This new test will be obtained in Antigua, Guatemala. A new cog in the wheel. I think I will go back to Florida in order to get the blood test and see once and for all what is going on with my cancer markers. Not sure yet, but it is a thought.
If you have just recently started following this blog, then you may be curious to know why I have not written anything about the 20* people I am traveling with for a year. Well, once in a blog many moons ago, I stated that I did not want my fellow travelers to know of my disease. The reason I gave then at the beginning of the trip and the reason I still feel the same is, I do not want anyone to feel sorry for me, or to believe that I am unable to do something or that I am in any way diminished due to the decease. Maybe one day I will let them know, but not now. Too many people believe that once you have cancer you are automatically going to shrivel up and die. Some people do physically, but most do mentally. Right now I am doing neither. So, I will live my life to the fullest until I die physically, because I will never let cancer destroy me mentally. Only you can make that choice, not your doctor, not your family, only you control your mental state.

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