I went to the Doctor today to get my results from my Pet Scan and the multiple blood tests that I take while I am at the doctor’s office. THANK THE LORD AND ALL OF YOUR PRAYERS, the medication I am on is working. Doctors ResultsThere is no new growth and the hot spots that indicate cancer are shrinking. My blood work shows that my immunity system is normal. I am so excited! I can leave without worrying until the next test.

Now I have to pack for at least four months or up to a year. I will be returning only if my blood tests show that I need to return. I am having blood tests every month in each country I visit and sending the results to my Doctor here in the U.S.. I would also return to the U.S., if my insurance approves a Pet Scan after 3, 6 or 9 months. If not, and probably the insurance that I have will not approve it, I will get Cat Scans in leu of the Pet Scans in whatever country I can get it in.


INSURANCE NOTE. My insurance is FLORIDA BLUE, a PPO, do not even consider getting this insurance if you have cancer, or any disease that requires you to obtain expensive medications and/or treatments. Doctors ResultsThey will fight you all the way. I still have not gotten my medication, Affinator, that I need to arrest the growth of the cancer and it is already the fourth week into the month. They will use any excuse to delay my expensive medications and medical procedures. They do not care, I am just a number to them and they would rather see me dead and avoid all the expense of treating my condition. DENY, DENY, DENY, UNTIL YOU DIE. That is this insurance company’s motto. Lovely isn’t it!

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