Who me??!!! So I am told. I went to see my radiologist a few days ago who removed the cancer from my iliac bone and who had sent me to see the doctor to remove the cancer from my liver. She said, that she, and I quote, “I have been waiting since I had began my medical career to be able to say to a Stage 4 Cancer patient that she is cured and I believe that you may be that patient.” I sat there, as she was exhibiting such excitement, starring at her deadpan. I was not anticipating this!!! The thought never even occurred to me. I was pretty much in shock. The only thing that I could think about was how excited Lewis would have been to hear those words!!! I saw his face flash in front of me, his wide infectious smile stretching across his entire face and his eyes twinkling with elation. And I was unable to even respond. I had to hold back my tears!

I ask my sister, as I was walking out of the office, after receiving a great big hug from my doctor, did she say cured? And my sister responded yes, indeed she did. I was numb. I still could not wrap my head around what the doctor just said. It was just so unexpected. She did put a caveat on the statement. She said my next Pet Scan, which will be in September, will show if the cancer is now growing else where and if not, I am for all intents and purposes cured!!

I had also seen my Oncologist on that day and we decided that my daily dose of Kisqali shall be decreased from three pills to two pills. I had stopped taking them for a few days prior to seeing the doctor. I felt that the side affects were significant and I made a decision to stop them. We decided that I will stay on Kisqali, because it is working to lower my cancer markers and it is a precautionary measure to help prevent the cancer from spreading elsewhere in my body. Please note that I am using the word, “we” in this decision. It is because I refused to go on the Chemo pill that I am now in this so called “cured” realm. Only then did my doctors take a closer look at my history to determine that my cancer was no longer in my lungs and chest wall. Only then did they think outside of the box and decide to remove the cancer from my liver and iliac bone. Only then did they see me as an individual with my own history and variations and not a statistic that fit into the customary “protocol”. Please you have to be your own advocate and fight every decision until you feel it is right for you!!! Doctors are only human and they are making educated (guesses), decisions on your behalf. Question everything! Push your doctors to see you as a person and not a statistic!!! And if your doctor will not, then there is a doctor out there that will!!

Life is a gift!! Use it, live it and most of all enjoy it!! You never know what is around the corner even in your most darkest moments. Find happiness every day, smile, and laugh as often as you can! And remember that there are small miracles quietly happening every day!!!

Life is not merely surviving!!!!!

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