I am still home here in Florida. My plans at the moment are to leave for South Africa on the first of March for a four month trip that will take me to S. Africa, Vietnam, Bali and Thailand. However, I still do not know what medication I will eventually be on when I leave in March. I am now on Verzenio 100 mg and 20 mg of Tomoxifin. I had to lower the dosage of the Verzenio from 150 mg to 100mg, because it was driving me insane. I was tense, ready to scream at any moment. Lost my temper at a drop of a dime. My stomach hurt and I had head aches every day. The higher dosage of Verzenio to say the least was not agreeing with me. I will have to see if the lower dosage agrees with me now. Hopefully, I will not have to change my medication again. But only time will tell.

Until I know what mediation I will be on, I cannot get enough of it to take with me while I am away traveling. I also cannot make any plane reservations as of yet not knowing if I will have enough medication to hold me over while I am away. So I am sitting here biding my time, hoping that it will all work out. And I am determined that it will. In the meantime, I am seeing my family and all of my old friends and enjoying the time that I am spending here. I am exercising three times a week and getting fit again and the days just seem to be passing by.

So I will keep you all up to date with my medication saga and hopefully I will be leaving soon to travel once again. I am living my life to the best of my ability right now and I know that I will eventually be leaving on my trip. It keeps me alive. It gives me something to look forward to and there is so much of the world I still want to see.

Life is not merely surviving!!! Enjoy every day that you have in one fashion or another. Smile, laugh, and take one day at a time. Live life to the fullest!!

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