Cappadocia is about 750 miles from Istanbul, but a world away from anything you have ever seen. The area has these towering rock formations created out of soft volcanic material caused by eruption deposits, which has been cut out by wind and rain over thousands of years. These rock formations are called Fairy Chimneys, because the look is so surreal.

The area is also made up of thousands of caves that were cut from the same lava deposits. We stayed in a hotel that was an updated cave. The whole area has thousands of caves that were used since back in the Bronze Age by the Hittite Empire. There are actually cities made out of these caves. It is a sight to behold.

We went on a hot air balloon to see the sun rise and to see the exquisite scenery and rock formations. The sight was spectacular. Ballooning is starting to become my newest favorite sport, (not that I have to do anything while floating in the air, pushed by the air currents). But it is such a peaceful and dramatic way to see the world.

We stayed for four days, visited churches in caves, saw pottery production famous in this area, also famous carpet makers from this area (I actually bought one), and we went to see the Keslik Monastery which is a Byzantine complex cut from the rocks. We went to see the Mevlevis who are also known as the “whirling dervishes”. They are famous for  their practice of whirling as a form of worship.  The weekend was to say the least was fun and fascinating.

Then we come home to hear that there was a bombing in Istanbul. The same shopping area that we were in the previous weekend. Now the question is; do we stay, go home, or find somewhere else to go. We decided to stay for another few days and then make a decision based on the atmosphere of the city and it’s people. We have been thinking about going to Amsterdam already before going home, so we might just go a bit earlier then thought if the place seems to be heating up again.

The police did have some expectation that something was going to go down sometime soon in the location it did. Last week we hightailed it out of the shopping district where the bombing actual did take place, because of all the police presence that was there. It was quite evident that the police were anticipating that something was going to happen and soon. If we see that again, were gone.

So, all things said and done, I am living life. I am enjoying myself, seeing the sights, seeing that which I never thought I would see. Life is too precious to waste it on worrying. If something is going to happen to you, then it will. But don’t waste your time on the worrying part, because then what little or lot of time you have, it is not enjoyed and unfulfilling. Live life to its fullest! Life is not merely surviving!!!!!

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