Lewis and I went to Borneo with four other friends. We took a three day cruise on an old river boat down the river to get to Tanjung Puting National Park where the orangutans live. We all slept on the deck under mosquito nets. The toilet did not flush and the shower was in the same room. Needless to say we were all dirty, sticky and grimy by the time we left the boat. But boy did we enjoy the trip.

We saw both wild orangutans in the jungle and orangutans who live in the Park, but who still come to be fed. The ones who are being fed by the Park staff are orangutans that are being reintroduced into the wild. We were told that eventually they will stop coming when they feel secure enough to go into the wild and live on their own. There was three different locations in the Park that we went to see the orangutans. While viewing them we also saw many other types of monkeys, birds. crocodiles, snakes, insects and spiders. But it was the orangutans which were really a joy to watch.

At night we could see so many stars, including the Milky Way. There were no lights to be seen for miles. There was one location that we docked up to, and when I say docked I mean threw a rope around some palm trees, nothing more, here we saw twinkling Fire Flies. Thousands of them. It was magical.

The whole trip is one that will be remembered fondly forever. I will look back and remember the faces of the orangutans and see their little ones that they held so close and I will smile.

It is moments and events like these that makes life worth living! Find the same for yourself and yes, live!

Don’t let anything stop you, not until it actually does. Life is not merely surviving!!

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