So what do you call a place that is quaint, has fresh, cheap and delicious food, gorgeous new and old architecture and I must say the weather is for me cold: Bilbao. I did read that the weather would be in the 50’s to 60’s, but some how it did not compute. I brought summer wear and bathing suits. Go figure. So what could I do, but go shopping. I bought a coat, long pants and long sleeve shirts. Lewis also brought summer cloths, but he at least brought a jacket and long sleeve shirts. But let’s go back to Bilbao, it is really a very lovely, livable city.

This region, Basque, have these tapas that they call pintxos, which are small plates that are 90 percent of the time on bread. They are served primarily in bars and there is at least 2 or more bars on each street. You go from bar to bar and eat what the particular bar specializes in and then you move on to another bar and you spend your whole evening doing this. As you eat, you drink at each bar and the food starts to taste better as you go along. It is fun, but I still do not know how the Spaniards are not fat. If I ate like this everyday, I would be big as a house.

I am going to San Sabastian from here and I will be following the same eating pattern. Lewis and I are now talking about going to an ashram in India for a month in order to take off weight, to meditate and do yoga, before hitting the road again to travel. One may say that going to India is traveling, but it is traveling with a purpose and it does not count. It is my blog and I can say what I want. LOL.

I am eating, and eating and eating. I am living and enjoying my life. Please do the same. Cancer is my diagnosis, not the end of my life. Remember you are not dead, until you are actually dead. Live life to the fullest for as long as you can. Living is not merely surviving!

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