I got home Monday night and I went to my Oncologist Tuesday morning.  My blood work came in and it is good.  My white blood count was good!  Wow, when I was on Ibrance, my white blood count was always low and at times critically low.  I had to stay home and away from others in order to avoid getting sick.  Especially due to Covid rampaging the State of Florida.  But, now I do not have to worry.  I am always trying to look for the bright side of my situation. However, it is a hard pill to swallow, both literally and figuratively, that I must take a pill that the pamphlet that comes with it states that the pill I am taking can cause death among other ailments and I do not even know if it is working.  And I will not know for sure until next month when I get a Pet Scan. However, tomorrow I will get at least some indication of whether or not my cancer is in check from today’s blood test. It takes a day to get the results from the lab that shows my cancer marker. Cancer markers indicate how much cancer cells you have in your blood stream.  I truly do not understand it, but these numbers are important.

Yipee, my cancer marker numbers are down.  This is good.  So today I am somewhat relieved. I feel good, my white blood count is good, lower than normal but low for me, my intrafils are good and my cancer markers are going in the right direction.  So what can be wrong.  Oh nothing, other than I am having panic attacks due to all that has to be done regarding getting ready for a trip for a year.  Doctor appointments, dentist appointments, eye doctor appointment, other doctor appointments, Pet Scans, haircut, teeth cleaning, buying all the items needed for the trip, closing my office, getting rid of my furniture, shredding documents, dealing with clients, making airline reservations, learn how to blog and learn how to use your frequent flyer points efficiently and on and on and on.  There is more, but I am sure you do not want to hear about it.  I am stressed to the max.  Did I mention I also have cancer?  They say you should try to avoid stress when you have cancer, now how is a person to live, a real life, and not have stress?  If you have an answer to that question, please email me and let me know.  So if you do not hear from me for a while you now know the reason. When I have a moment to breath, I will blog again.

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