Here I am blogging again on a most beautiful day in Medellin, Colombia. The sun is out, the temperature is hot with a cool breeze blowing. How can you beat that. Try. Let me know where you go.

Outside my apartment window in Medellin

If anyone has any questions regarding anything I have written, please feel free to contact me. I may not answer right away, but I will eventually get to it. I do not want the blog to eat up all my time. If you are going to be critical, because there is always a naysayer out there, keep it to yourself. Life in general is too short and mine may be even shorter than it should be. If anyone is listening to what I am saying, keep those negative people away from you, they are not your friends and they have their own issues to work out. So do not let them bring you down, which some people do just so that they can feel better. Use your own inner strength to find what makes you happy.

I sound like I am preaching. Sorry, I just know so many people in my predicament who cannot forget that they have cancer. They live their life thinking about it, dealing with it, dreading it, wallowing in it, etc., etc., so the cancer has actually already won over their lives. Stop, smile, laugh a little and move on. And this cannot happen solely in the abstract doing exactly what you have been doing all along. Go out, travel, take a day trip, visit friends and ask not to talk about your health, start a project, go back to school, find a hobby, do art, do something that allows you to be who you were before cancer arrived. Your attitude will lighten and your days will become brighter. Try it, you have nothing to lose!

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