I am now sitting under a thatched umbrella, blogging.  Just so you know, I have never done this before.  I am not sure how this all will work out.  Someone other than me is going to put this verbiage and pictures into a blog for me. I will eventually have to learn how to do this myself, but being as computer and phone challenged as I am it will take me some time to learn.  But learn I will.

Another day in paradise

I am now on the 15th day of my second prescription, Everolimus, with all of the known and unknown side affects. The one side affect that I could not avoid being  told about and feeling just a bit of, is a cold sore in my mouth.  I gargle with this steroid, Dexamethasone, which I brought with me, every morning and every evening after meals.  The mouth sore that I have is slight and I am hoping it will remain that way. I guess I have the sore, just so I am reminded that I have health issues. However, and this is the most important part of this blog, I would have these issues no matter where I am.  At home, at work, in a car, on a boat, on a beach, where ever!  So do not allow it to stop you from enjoying your life!!!!!  Because most of the time, I do not feel sick and I do not think about it.   And neither should you!

COVID NOTE: Now a word on Covid.   I was repeatedly asked by all my friends and family at home, are you not worried about flying and going to another country while Covid is still raging?  It was a concern, however, I felt that my going away with my husband was now or never.  We had our two vaccinations and our booster so we did what we could to protect ourselves.  I do not believe Covid will ever be gone.  Covid, I hope, will turn into a type of  contagion with annual or bi-annual vaccinations. Something like the flu.  Even if not, it is time to go.   And I am glad I did.  The precautions taken by this country puts our country to shame. Everyone here wears a mask, even when they are walking alone on the street. Every place you go into requires a mask and that you wash your hands and apply disinfectant, which is kept at the entrance way.  It is remarkably civilized.  They even have a curfew, which changes constantly, but there is one.  It is a bit more relaxed at the beach resorts, but masks are mostly used and the hand washing is always required.

In the state that I live in, Florida, you take your life into your hands when you walk into a store, a restaurant, and especially in an elevator.  Either they are not wearing a mask, or wearing one on their chin or some such ridiculous location on their body.   I got into telling people that I have Covid when a person gets into the elevator without a mask.  I got tired of asking people to put a mask on all the time, I have had situation where some people have become extremely confrontational if you ask them to put on a mask.  When I tell them that I have Covid, they usually get off immediately or at least on the next floor.  It is fun to watch their faces when they think they have been exposed. 

Anyway, enough said about this issue, other than to say; do not be afraid of leaving this country.  In many, if not most, places it is safer then in the United States. The planes have been found to be safe regarding Covid due to the cleaning and circulation of the air.  It is the airport that is of concern.  We bought and wore K95’s to protect ourselves and wore them in the airports.   You can catch it anywhere, including your doctors office, so take a gamble and go have a great experience by traveling.

I have been sending my missives to the person who is putting together my blog.  As I have already stated, I am beyond computer/phone/technology challenged.  He is a great guy whom I have known for many years.  His name is Robert and he has for many years put my law firm into the number one position on a google search.  So he has agreed to help me with this blogging endeavor. I finally asked him what his thoughts are regarding the text I have been sending.  And his response was; Don’t sugar coat what I am going through.  I asked my husband whether he thought I was sugar coating the disease and my response to it in my writings and he said no, Holly he said, this is just who you are.  You have never let cancer stop you and you have never wallowed in despair.  It may be strange, but I am actually stating how I feel and how I see and respond to what I am going through.  Yes, it is a bitch to have and yes, it affects my life, but it is up to you as to how you will respond to it.   Look I could be hit by a bus any day now, but I do not worry about it.  I also, would have no fighting chance if I was hit right on by that bloody, (or soon to be bloody) bus.  At least now, with all the advances in cancer research we have a fighting chance to survive.  How long is any ones guess, so, with what time I have, I am going to live life to its fullest. That is what this blog is all about, to give you a push to live life and know that you are not alone.  So for however long you have, smile and enjoy as many moments as you can.  Life, as I have said before, is not merely surviving.  (Robert, I hope you do not mind my public response to your statement).

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