We flew from Istanbul to Amsterdam, it took about 31/2 hours, but it is a world away. Amsterdam is vibrant, liberal, accepting, with happy, and warm people. Istanbul was vibrant because of the sheer numbers of people there are and the mixture of euphony and cacophony of sounds, the numerous pervasive smells and the bursts of harmonious colors that surround you. It is the country that takes you in. The country itself is so different to that which I come from that I truly enjoyed it. But Amsterdam, it is the people who draw you in and the still small town feel of the place. The people all seem so happy (and I do not mean because they are stoned), and ready to help at any moment, without even having to ask. They do not seem oppressed in any way. Religion does not seem to be effusive, but all religions appear to be accepted. The sites to see in this country are not churches, mosques and synagogues, but so many cultural sites and museums.

And yes, you can go into most cafes and sit down and have a cup of coffee and a joint. Most liberating to be able to do that, if you wish, and not have to risk your civil liberties. You can even go into a store to buy mushrooms to trip on. And while on your this self induced trip of yours you can find a person to fulfill all your sexual urges. This too is legal. It is amazing, you do not see people all over the place stoned, tripping and falling down. Actually, the people here seems to be very peaceful and unaggressive. Maybe it is something our country can learn from.

Lewis and I love it here. It is safe to walk around at all times of day and night. They have great public transportation, which you are not afraid to use. This country with all its canals and quaint old structures from the 1600’s is absolutely beautiful. Just from walking around this place you will be hooked. We want to come back in the Spring to fully take in all of what this country has to offer. It is cold at the moment and it is expecting to get even colder shortly.

We leave very soon, in a couple of days. Now is when I start to worry. How will my tests go? Has the cancer progressed? Will I be able to stay on the medication I have been on? What new torture do they have in store for me? All these questions now are running through my head. But I try to avoid thinking about them, I try to put them aside. There really is no benefit to be derived from worrying. It will only ruin my day. So, I plan to go to a museum today, take a walk in the city’s biggest park and spend a very full and happy day. If you are suffering now due to worrying, read a good book, if you can go out smell the flowers, literally. Take a walk, say hello to a person who does not know what you are going through, so you won’t talk about it. Help someone who needs a hand. Do something that will let you forget yourself for a while and that which will bring you a degree of pleasure.
Life is not merely surviving!!!

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