We went to San Sabastian thinking that it would be a paradise, with beaches, beautiful scenery and gobs and gobs of good food. Yes, there was food to be had. But the paradise was washed out. It rained and rained and rained. And it was a cold and miserable rain. We did not get to the beach and we could see the scenery only when it stopped raining for 5 minutes. The sun never came out. But we ate. What else was there to do. We did go to two museums and they were nice, but nothing else was there to do in the rain.

Yes, I am complaining, I really should not complain, but I had such high hopes for San Sabastian. At least I got there. I can now cross it off of my bucket list. So let’s talk about the food there. They serve all the tapas on bread. Why I do not know, but they do. The bread thing gets boring. The restaurants were crowded even though it was raining. They actually stood outside in the frigged rain and ate and drank. We went to a few Michelin star restaurants and they were real good. But really the food was better in Bilbao.

I am now on my way to Palermo, Italy. I am so looking forward to be in Italy. Now there is where I really love the food.

I am well, living my life to the fullest and not thinking about being sick. In two more months when I get back home and have to see my doctor, I will worry about it; not until then. Try to enjoy everyday of your life, for it is not written in stone that tomorrow you will be here. Enjoy, love, laugh and smile. Just for the mere fact that you are alive!

Life is not merely surviving!!!

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