Do you ever question why I do not include any information or pictures of my fellow travelers in my blog. I am now traveling with 23 people in my 4 month travel group and another 23 people in the one month group which joined up with us here in Valencia. I explained a long time ago why I do not include them. But if you just started to read my blog and you did not read my blog from start to finish, which I would be very surprised if any of you did, I can be very wordy, I do not think that you understand my reasoning for not including any of my fellow travelers in any of my blogs.

So again I will say that my reason for not including them in the blog is due to the fact that I believe that if I included them I would have to ask their permission to use their pictures and use their stories. This I do not want to have to do. If I did that, then they would know that I am sick. I do not want anyone that I am traveling with to know that I have Stage 4 Cancer. You tell someone that you have Stage 4 Cancer and they look at you differently from that moment on. They start to treat you like an invalid, they act as if you will expire at any moment. I do not want their sympathy. I do not want them to think that I am too frail to participate or incapable of keeping up. I do not want to be constantly reminded of my condition by the way others treat me. One day they will know and hopefully they will be surprised.

CORRECTION: I wrote in a previous blog that Valencia does not have cruise ships. I was wrong, I went to the beach only to be confronted with two semi-large cruise ships. I guess Valencia is so large that the number of passengers that get off the ship does not overwhelm the city. Nor do the stores right near the docks cater to them with t-shirts and silly trinkets.

While I am keeping my secret from the rest of the group I am having the time of my life. I am living, not merely surviving! You do the same! No one has to know you are sick and you do not have to dwell on it. Think of it only when you have to and try your hardest to enjoy every moment of your life. It is all we have!!!

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