Went out today to experience Mayan Heritage near Antigua Guatemala. First we went to the Shrine for San Simon. He is a Mayan/Catholic Deity where Mayan Shamans do a cleansing and offering to San Simon. This offering and cleansing is in a parking lot in front of the Shrine that is a church with the Deities’ portrait on the altar. In the parking lot they burn candles, food, spices, beer cans, liquor, and all sorts of other assorted items.  Some Shamans also include killing a chicken very slowly and pouring the chickens blood onto the fire, then throwing the chicken into the fire before it is dead. All these offerings are used to request from San Simon health, wealth and happiness. Really. The torturing of the chicken was gruesome, but seeing the tradition was interesting. BUT the worst part about this experience was the smoke, did I say smoke and more smoke from the fires. I cannot believe that some of these Shamans may be doing this everyday. They are asking San Simon for health, but in fact ruining their health in asking. San Simon is considered by the Church and a lot of Guatemalans to be blasphemous. I cannot see why?

Mayan HeritageWe then went to see one of the Mayan Ruins, the first Mayan Capital of the Mayans known as the Kakchiquel. This place was amazing. It was built to hold three Kings that ruled the area. Each kingdom had homes for the Kings family, which included many wives and rooms for their help, homes for their subjects and religious areas. Each was separated by a moat, without water. It took 20 years to build and it lasted for 50 years. Then of course the Spaniard Conquistadors came and conquered the Mayans and as victors will do, they torched the place and it has been deserted ever since.

I must say that it was the property where the Ruins are located that really set the stage. The area is lush, it has extremely old vegetation that surrounds the area, the colors are vibrant and it sits on top of a mountain. The Ruins themselves are fascinating. All in all, it was a great day.

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